Cindy Robinson checks in

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Many of our artists are letting us know what they are up to in order to get ready for the tour.

Cindy Robinson checks in:

I bought a dozen scarves in a variety of fibers at the beginning of the summer, intending to dye and paint them in preparation for this year’s Studio Art Tour. Life got busy, however, and I couldn’t make up my mind what processes I wanted to utilize on them.

I finally got inspired a week or two ago, deciding that I wanted to use the same shibori style, multiple dye bath approach on the scarves that I use on the fabrics I create for my quilts. I dyed each scarf first in a scrunch (mottled) dye-bath of a bright color: golden yellow, turquoise, or magenta. Then came the fun part of deciding how to manipulate the scarf and bind it before over-dyeing once, twice, and sometimes three times in different colors to get rich, beautiful and interesting final results.

The rayon scarves take the dye really well, and the cotton scarves are so soft and comfortable to wear. I still have some silk ones to experiment on . . .20140929_113726 20140929_114245