Before and After

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It’s a an exciting time here in Northfield as all our artists are preparing for the Studio Tour.

Up at the Halling Kiln, Juliane Shibata (studio 12) loads a kiln with Glynnis Lessing (studio 3 )and Barabara Zaveruha (studio 9)juliane kiln That kiln will be fired tomorrow to be ready in time for our studio visitors!unfired kiln

Just down the road at the Sunshine Studio (studio number 7) Both Tom and Judy  are readying their fascinating studios- Tom says make sure to come by for the After  because this is Before!willis studio He was just finishing up a firing today when this photo was taken.tom willis

Judy has beautiful scarves up drying after she has just dyed them.js willis studio

Her work will be in the house as she makes room for 2 artists to show their work in her studio.

empty space for guest artists

North of town, at Eureka pots, Donovan Palmquist and Colleen Riley had a wood firingcolleen pot wood fire AND a soda firing last week.

soda table

Several artists also gathered at Jennifer Wolcott’s metal studio in Waterford  to assemble our beautiful new (and highly visible) signs!  Signs at Wolcott

Lastly, have you seen our sign on Highway 3? We want everyone to remember to come out; now that you’ve seen the “Before”, make sure you visit us for the “After”!ArTour Banner

We were able to get these because of a grant from the  state of Minnesota.